Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chris Rock's "Good Hair" Documentary

For more information "Good Hair" Sundance Festival

I cant wait till this comes on HBO. I will make sure I post the time and date when this comes on.


The Real Nique said...

Oh, I definitely can't wait till this one comes out! This is going to be a trip! I like how he has the celebrities in it too.

Nubian1 said...

Why something like this took so long coming out is another matter. Just made me giggle as Chris Rock does his thing.

Cant wait to show my nieces who dont give their natural hair the time of day!

PhePhi said...

WOW! i cannot wait for this. thanks for the post!!!

anthia-ofo said...

I'd love to see it.

Gigglz said...

Please keep us posted on when to look out for this one!

BrownSuga said...

I will be watching this with my 13.5 yr old daughter! Can't wait.

Ree-C said...

Thanks for sharing this. I can't wait to see it. The two minutes was great!