It is with mixed emotions that I make this announcement……I have become a Sisterlocks trainee. I took that training class that was held here in Atlanta on 12/1-12/4. I finally decided to take the class because I get tons of ladies asking me who does my hair. When I tell them I did/do my hair that is usually followed up with, “can you do my hair?” I usually refer them to the Sisterlock website or YouTube to find a local consultant, or ways to achieve that look themselves. Then I got to thinking that could have been a potential client. So looking at it in a business mind frame I choose to invest in becoming a consultant. Even if I only end up installing a handful of clients as least I have that knowledge and that can never be taken away from me. In a past post I have mentioned that I don’t want to do anyone else’s hair because I feel that it would not be appreciated plus I would be super careful not to do something to their hair I wouldn’t want done to mine. Well over a period of 5 days approximately 36hrs I installed braidlocks on a friend of mine. She asked me about me saying that I didn’t want to do anyone’s hair. After I explained it to her she mentioned to me that, more than likely people looking to have Sisterlocks/braidlocks etc will come into it with knowledge that it’s a HUGE time commitment and so won’t complain as much. With that being said it has given me a little bit more confidence to get out there and start to market myself. Im not fully ready to start installing locks on clients just yet because in the next few months I plan on moving and Im looking to have a house with a basement so that that area would be fully dedicated to me and the my future business venture. Here are a few before and after pictures.
After 36 hrs, I feel so accomplished. I know the more I do it the faster I will become.
Now an update of my hair progress. Nothing new to mention beside my hair is getting so long and I love every inch of it.
The only thing that’s different with my hair is the length. I don’t want to abandon my blog but I honestly don’t have anything to talk about in regards to my hair. Here are some update pictures.
I dont really have much to say about my hair these days besides that its still growing. I love it more and more I cant image my life without them. So here is some updated pictures.
Once again I don’t have much to say about my hair. I love my hair, I LOVE MY HAIR!!!!! Here is some updated pictures of my hair. Once again I am at the dilemma of whether or not to color my hair…. The reasons why I don’t want to color is its damaging it thins out my hair etc. Reasons why I continue to color is because the color complements my complexion. WHAT TO DO OH WHAT TO DO?
Sadly enough I have very little to say about my locs. I have not tried any new hairstyles (not that I did that many to begin with) I have changed in how often I wash my hair though. I now wash my hair every two weeks. No real reason Im just very busy and I tend to wash my hair on the weekend and my weekends have been very busy so I found myself being able to wash it every two weeks instead of once a week. I dont really see the need to wash my hair every week so every two weeks it is until something changes. Im not sure if I metioned this before but I never realize how much my hair has grown until I see picutures. Now Im really starting to notice how much it has grown. Most of the time I keep my hair up in a high pony tail because that how i put my hair up in the morning when I take a shower and I just never take it down. I love the fact that I can be so lazy with my hair but it still look so good. So when I do let my hair down I see and feel how much its laying on my neck and shoulders. So enough with the yacking here are the pictures of my hair that is 3 years and 3 months old.
I have a coworker who is always telling me that she wants to go natural but she doesn’t know if she can. I have gotten on my soap box more than one time with her but after awhile I just had to stop because I realize that until she is comfortable with who she really is and really ready to be natural there is nothing that anyone can say to convince her otherwise.
So the other day she walks up to me and say your hair is really cute when its curled. I thanked and started to go on about my business then she asked me so how long are you going to let them things grow. If yall could have seen the look on my face. WTF?! Im thinking what kind of question is that? It took everything in me not to say something really ugly. I simply said as long as I want my hair to grow then asked her back, how long are you going to keep going let your damage hair grow out? I think she thought I was kidding but really what kind of question is that?! I'm like what ever.
Now I know my hair is growing and getting longer because I retigten every 3 to 4 weeks so I know that my hair is growing just from that fact, but the other day I really realized how long its truly is getting and I must say it took me by surprise. I started to notice that when Im sitting on the couch watching T.V. Im laying against it or when i put my purse on my shoulder my hair gets caughet under the strap. Also that that it sits on my shoulders and is getting in my way.
Can you believe this I am actually complaning that my hair is getting in my way. I must say I am not use to longer hair at least not yet. WHAT?!
I am not much into styles a) they take a long time to accomplish and due to my lifestyle the style last less than a week, b) it pulls on my hair giving me a headache, but I purchased some lock loops about a month ago and I have started using them and I must say that I was pleased with the outcome. I think the curls are very cute on me and the gets my hair off my shoulders with is a plus. What I will say over and over again. I love my hair.